Understanding the Impact of Recession on the Economy in 2023

Every economy goes through a vicious circle of expansion, peak, recession, or contraction and trough. Recessions are known for high unemployment, low economic growth, low investments, failed jobs, slow businesses, etc. Many unfavourable circumstances arise, affecting everyone, from business owners to small retailers. Nevertheless, all these negatives may have a silver lining. The fact is, … Read more

Understanding Buying Call vs. Selling Put

Buying Call Vs. Selling Put Many people think stock options are very risky. However, adopting commonly used strategies can help you increase your profits and minimize losses while buying a call or selling a put. Let us first understand these terms. Buying Call A buying call is when the buyer pre-determines the price of a … Read more

Recession: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

Expanding businesses, technological advances, and high employment are all characteristics of a growing economy. But what do shortages in production, high import bills, slow exports, reduction in foreign reserves, gold stocks, and a high unemployment rate indicate?  All these indicate a negative Gross Domestic Product(GDP). The consistent decrease in GDP and a reduction in employment … Read more